Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Violinist's Tribute to a Nobel Laureate

An empty chair...and music.

"Finish in music where words are left off."

Lynn Chang will play at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. The recipient will not be there; he is in jail for 11 years for apposing the Chinese Government


  1. I think that it is kind of cool that you can win the Nobel Peace Prize, yet still be in jail. When I heard all the things that the Chinese Government could do to punish Lynn Chang for performing, I wondered if he was really going to take that risk. In a way, it is kind of sad that Liu Xiaobo is in jail and cannot go to the ceremony. But, now at least he has something good to look forward to when he gets out of jail.

  2. I agree with Hana. Just to ad to what she said I think that it is wrong for the Chinese government to imprison someone just for a posing them and showing that people have the right to say what they want.
